Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Second Session

Sept. 19, 2012
Right at the start of the session, I felt a great spinning, surging energy around my body. It was my aura, so to speak. As the sensation went on, I was able to discern the individual speeds and powers of each chakra. I remember feeling something like that during a Full Moon Drumming circle once years ago. Its an interesting sensation but its easy to get caught up and become very un-grounded afterwards.
I saw a man. He seemed to be a shaman or a priest of some kind for a race of ancient people. I experienced everything he did as if were me, from a past life. He had a scepter with a crystal on it and used it in part of a ceremony. He took a dead bird and chopped off its leg as part of the strange recipe. He had all kinds of powders and other strange elements, like an alchemist. He seemed pretty dark to me, but maybe it was just because I didn't understand any of what he was doing or what it was for? He used his unknown powers to put a queen on the throne. I saw an imagine of him resting a crown on her head, with him as the court magician. She was the head of power, the face of popularity, but he pulled the strings, subtle and sure.
For a good portion of the rest of the vision, I saw a sprawling city. It was enormous! An endless city that spanned unbroken across an expansive part of the continent. Buildings dotted the rich jungle lands like pebbles on a wide beach. Millions upon millions inhabited this great city. There were tall wooden pillars all throughout the city. I saw the lettering but could not read the vertical layout. (Often in dreams I cannot read words or numbers)They worked in close connection with a wide variety of creatures. Hulking animals the size and similarity to bears pulled wagons or carts, but the fur was interrupted by armor plating, like an armadillo. Birds and sometimes small mammals ran the telegram system. Human runners or primates could've transported larger packages, but the birds were special. I saw an old man slip a tiny message on a brightly colored bird. He told the bird where to go and then slipped a loop over the bird's head. Tied to the string was a delicate flower. If the message reached its recipient still in bloom, the reader would know that the message had not been intercepted or compromised in any way. I suppose if someone caught the bird they could just switch out the wilting flower for a new one of the same breed. But this problem could easily be addressed by stamping the fragile petal with a personal insignia to prevent fraud. There was also an interesting spider that I saw. For all the world, it looked like a black and white moth with fake eyes on the "wings" and everything. It mimicked the craw of a moth and everything... or, now that I think on it; was it a moth that learned how to mimic a spider in the way it looks and moves? I can't remember exactly. There was also a large bird, the size of a peacock. It was completely black, covered in spiky feathers. The marketplace was FULL of snakes. They slithered and rested everywhere. Under tables, on poles, over window sills. People just scooted them out of the way, unconcerned. They were as used to them as we were of pigeons and stray cats. There were tiny ones and big fat ones. I had also seen a few people getting onto some boats. There were a lot of canals and rivers in the area so boats were used often. They got into the little craft, it was a narrow boat in the center which was a little bigger than a canoe. On either side were two smaller boats that could carry gear, extra supplies or perhaps a small child or animal. The three parts were connected underwater and the ship was very fast and easy to maneuver  Just beneath the surface of the water were large fish. Leaning over the side for a better view, I saw past the big guys to an ENORMOUS fish(?) beneath the crystal clear waves. I was sent back to my primal fear from childhood that there was something huge lurking in the shadows of the watery depths. But the people here were completely at ease with the animals they interacted with. The sailors showed no concern for the island-sized aquatic creatures and it was the same on land. The people interacted with animals so much that they felt at ease and understood animal behavior as well as they understood their own. Animals and humans seemed to know what to expect from each other; it appeared to be a gigantic symbiosis.
Then there were the dragons, high above the city. They flocked in the hundreds of thousands it seemed. So many and so enormous and full of power, a few small battalions of them could lay waste to this great sprawling city, though its people knew they had nothing to fear from the great lizards at this time. They were kings of the sky, completely unchallenged in their reign and glory. I was sailing along with the dragons, with them at first. Then when I asked myself, "Am I flying here as a dragon or a rider?" my consciousness showed something interesting- a combination of both. I rode as a passenger within the beast, right next to his beating heart. Inside the dragon was such heat and power! I cannot describe it. My very bones vibrated with the heat and power of dragons. It was not unlike the vibration cats can make... but its a horrible comparison because dragons are so much greater! Its like comparing the shell of a beetle with the hull of an army tank.
Then the scenes coming in flashed by with intense speed and volume. I received libraries of information and knowledge, eyes and muscles twitching as I processed and stored it all. But I cannot recall any of it. Which is fine by me because even a tiny part would be difficult to transcribe in a physical language such as speaking or writing. The languages we have access to right now are too slow and clumsy. I felt full to bursting with unspeakable knowledge, but I was at peace with it, knowing there was always room for more. There must be an impossible amount more to learn!
The last image I saw was of an angel, peacefully winging in outer space. He was in repose, drinking in the starlight on his skin. It gave him energy, cleansed him. With bliss, he embraced the emptiness of space, letting it fill him. He drifted on black wings, lost in the stillness of it all.

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