Thursday, November 22, 2012

In between sessions...

Sept. 2012
After my first session with Natalie I experienced few changes in my body. Small aches had gone but mostly I felt like myself in that aspect. The truly profound change I experienced was an unveiling of my heart. All my life, I had felt an inexplicable shadow over my spirit that left me feeling small, sad and cut off. I never could place it and often just chalked it up to winter, hormones, mood swings, depression or some other passing thing. But it had followed me around for ages and so I felt that it couldn't be all those different things, but some bigger problem. Regardless of what it meant, after my first Reconnective Healing Session... it was gone! I felt free and happy, through and through for the first time! I felt like I could finally be myself, happy or sad, on my own and by choice instead of this thing tainting my mood. Since then, I have chosen many emotions and I've even gotten into a slump of negativity. But it wasn't something that overcame me and I was unable to understand or fight off. Another sensation I felt since finishing the book and completing my first session was a queer feeling in my palms. It was like a cold rushing air, like a door that is not properly sealed in the winter time. It was strange feeling that, because usually when I do energy work of any kind, it comes as a heat or a tingly vibration of sorts. This was something I had never felt before. But further attempts to make it grow, use it or keep it were difficult. I have since then, stopped trying but only because I had not thought to use it during normal everyday life. I want badly to find a way to come up with the $333 that it will cost to get 'attuned' to the unique energies Dr. Pearl has come across!

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